Hiring Processes Made Easy

From the sourcing to the contract, handle all of your recruitment processes with the Recruitment App.

Manage Your Hiring Processes
Organize your vacancies and job applications

50,000+ companies use the same solutions we provide to grow their businesses.

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Manage Your Hiring Processes

Organize your vacancies and job applications

The "Recruitment" app allows you to organize your job board, promote your job announcements and keep track of application submissions easily. Follow every applicant and build up a database of skills and profiles with indexed documents.

No need for outsourcing of your recruitment - thanks to this smart app, you'll be able to do everything internally in a simple and a professional way.

Post Your Jobs on The Best Job Boards

LinkedIn, Monster, Craigslist, CareerBuilder,...

Connect automatically to the most famous job board websites; LinkedIn, Monster, Craigslist, ... Every job position has a new email address automatically assigned in order to route applications directly to the right job position.

Whether applicants contact you by email or using an online form, you get all the data indexed automatically (resumes, motivation letter) and you can answer in just a click, reusing templates of answers.

Customize Your Recruitment Process

Define your own stages and interviewers

Create your own hiring strategies - MetroConnects solutions for recruitment software offer great service for big as well as for small business. Use the Kanban view and customize the steps of your recruitments process: pre-qualification, first interview, second interview, negotiation, ...

Get accurate statistics on your recruitment pipeline. Get reports to compare the performance of your different investments on external job boards. You can easily change your strategy and recruitment plan based on this comparison.

Streamline Your Recruitment Process

Index resumes, track applicants, search profiles

Follow applicants in your recruitment process with an intelligent Kanban view. Save time by automating some communications with email templates.

Documents like resumes and motivation letters are indexed automatically, allowing you to easily search for specific skills and build up a database of profiles.

Integrated Surveys

Define your own online/offline surveys

How to improve your company's hiring processes? We have a suggestion - use surveys!

Create your own interview canvas based on our best practices. Use the survey designer to adapt questions to your own process. Ask the applicants to fill in the survey online or ask the interviewer to use it during real interviews.

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